The 11 best newsletters for politics, tech, and social media
From interviews with tech CEO's to political hot takes and data-driven roundups, here's what we think should fill your inbox
Sometimes, you’re too busy to chase down news articles on Twitter and across the internet. We’re obviously big fans of getting the news right in our inboxes, so we thought we’d share 11 of our favorite newsletters that we read each week. In no particular order, these newsletters share research, content, and 🔥 takes about politics, the internet, and their influence on our society.
Oh, and if you don’t subscribe to ours - you’re missing out! ⤵️
Message Box
Our friend Dan Pfeiffer has become a leading advocate for smart Democratic messaging in the post-Trump era, and uses this newsletter to share priceless advice on what progressives should be focusing on - and how they communicate their priorities to the public.
Yello is a “visual politics” newsletter curated by Hunter Schwarz. For those of us caught up in constant doom-scrolling on Twitter, Yello is an always interesting read covering the intersection of art, design, and politics.
If you’re into how the major social media platforms are growing and changing, then Platformer is for you. Casey Newton has direct access to major tech industry execs and provides a different, extremely smart take on the ways that policy and big tech intersect.
Popular Information
Judd Legum’s corporate accountability journalism via Popular Information put Substack on the map. The former Think Progress Editor-in-Chief regularly uncovers hypocrisy and under-the-radar influence campaigns from powerful actors in politics and industry.
Anchor Change
We’re always opening former Facebook Public Policy Director Katie Harbath’s newsletter, Anchor Change. Not too many people have such an intimate knowledge of how major tech policy decisions are made - especially at Facebook - and we’re always eager to hear her thoughts on the news of the day.
Learn, Test, Optimize
Republican digital strategist & entrepreneur Eric Wilson curates this weekly roundup of news clips about tech, digital advertising, social media, and politics. Sent every Friday morning. (Subscribe here»)
Galaxy Brain
Former NYT Opinion writer-at-large Charlie Warzel writes about how the internet and technology shape our economy, our politics, and the world around us. (Subscribe here »)
The Connector
Micah Sifry, progressive strategist and co-founder of Civic Hall uses his new-ish newsletter to blast out detailed, thoughtful reads on on democracy, movements, organizing and tech.
Data for Progress
Liberal polling outfit Data for Progress uses its Friday newsletter to share new data and research (and fire Tweets) about the issues of the day. It’s worth a read. (Subscribe here»)
Garbage Day
This newsletter is pure chaos, and we absolutely love it. Ryan Broderick writes this endlessly clever and thoughtful email about the internet every week.
Daily Kos Morning Digest
Political junkies, rejoice! This daily email from the Daily Kos elections team is the most comprehensive, consistent update on every battleground election that you’ll ever need to read. Seriously, you should subscribe. (Subscribe here»)