Senate Campaign Digital Spending, 10/2 - 10/8
How much battleground Senate campaigns are spending on Facebook + Google ads
FWIW, here’s how much battleground U.S. Senate campaigns spent last week on Meta ads (Facebook + Instagram) and Google ads (Google + YouTube) in 9 key states.
Ad of the week: The Price of Milk
Mandela Barnes in Wisconsin is turning to the age-old tactic of accusing his rich opponent of not knowing the price of a gallon of milk - and he’s betting big on it. Their campaign has spent around $100k on this YouTube ad, which targets adults aged 25 and up in the Milwaukee and Green Bay media markets.
Quick facts:
The top spending Senate candidate on digital ads last week was Raphael Warnock, who dropped $644,308.
The state with the most expensive Senate race online last week was Georgia, where candidates combined spent $717,479 on digital ads
Democratic candidates in competitive races spent $2,271,178 on digital ads last week, while Republican candidates spent $391,853.