Gubernatorial Campaign Digital Spending, 10/16 - 10/22
How much are battleground gubernatorial campaigns spending on Facebook + Google ads?
FWIW, here’s how much money battleground Gubernatorial campaigns spent last week on Meta ads (Facebook + Instagram) and Google ads (Google + YouTube) in several key states.
Ad of the week: Averigüe como votar por Josh Shapiro
Democrat Josh Shapiro may be running way ahead of his GOP opponent in Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial race, but his campaign doesn’t seem to be taking any votes for granted. They just rolled out an ad campaign using a pretty underutilized tactic: letting supporters cut their own ads. These new ads are running in both English and Spanish and are mostly targeted at Millennials in PA.
Quick facts:
The top spending gubernatorial candidate on digital ads last week was Greg Abbott, who spent $651,313.
The state with the most expensive gubernatorial race online last week was Texas, where candidates spent a combined $1,065,738 on Meta + Google ads.
Democratic candidates in competitive races spent $1,921,841 on Meta + Google ads last week, while Republican candidates spent $1,001,261.